- PhD position at the Technical University of Munich (TUM)
- Project: “Locating microbial metabolite hotspots to resolve soil energy and organic carbon dynamics (SoilEnergySpots)”
- PhD position at Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- Project: “Sorption thermodynamics and aggregation as controls of substrate use and mineralization 2: Response to complex boundary conditions”
- PhD position at University of Freiburg
- Project: “Sorption thermodynamics and aggregation as controls of substrate use and mineralization 2: Response to complex boundary conditions”
- PhD position at the UFZ – Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig
- Project: “Thermodynamics of microbial turnover of organic compounds in soil – matter and energy fluxes under varying redox conditions, biomass-substrate ratios, and availability of biomass building blocks (TherMIC-II)”
- PhD position at the UFZ – Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig
- Project: “Live/Dead: Contribution of soil protists to carbon cycles through microbe predation and necromass”
More job offers for the 2nd funding phase coming soon!